Pennsylvania Community Prediction Tool for Site Restoration

The Pennsylvania Community Prediction Tool for Site Restoration (PCPT) was developed by the PA Natural Heritage Program to assist restoration practitioners in their efforts to establish native plant communities using species most likely to thrive at the site. The PCPT works by comparing site characteristics of your restoration site with ecological site characteristics of known natural vegetation communities sampled by PNHP and partners. Natural communities with similar characteristics are shown in the results and the user can generate a list of suggested species to plant based on common species found in these similar natural communities. Links to the PNHP’s natural community fact sheets are also provided.

How the data in the tool represent your site largely depends on the size and complexity of the site. An assessment site can be any size, but they should be homogenous in terms of the vegetation and site variables. If you have a large heterogeneous site, you can run the tool multiple times to get customized planting lists for each homogenous sub-unit of the site. For example, a 20-acre site might have several different restoration sub-units based on differing slope, aspect, drainage qualities, or soil chemistry.

The PA Prediction Tool is only one piece of the puzzle. It will give you a list of native plants that comprise natural communities likely to thrive on your restoration site, and a little information about each of the species, including its tolerance of human disturbance, wetland status, rarity, and growth habit. It does not tell you which plants are available at local nurseries, easy to grow, resistant to herbivory, or affordable in terms of cost – all critical factors. It does not replace a site visit by an experienced restoration ecologist, who will be able to recognize potential natural regeneration of target species, and also evaluate nearby sources of invasive species. If you are collecting your own seed from local sources (a great strategy to conserve germplasm and local genetics), you will need to work with local nurseries to research seed collection and propagation methods.

Run the Tool!

Step-By-Step Instructions for Running the Tool

Step 1: Select Location and Obtain Site Variables

The Pennsylvania Community Restoration Planting Prediction Tool works by comparing site characteristics of your restoration site with ecological site characteristics of known natural vegetation communities sampled by PNHP and partners. Through a partnership with NatureServe’s Ecological Monitoring Network, PNHP provides a list of site variables for any location within the Commonwealth that can be automatically compared with the chosen restoration site. These variables are used to generate a list of plant communities that might occur at that location.

Clicking on the Run the tool link opens a web-mapper you will use to identify the location of your restoration site, determine your site variables, and obtain a list of plant communities you will use to guide your restoration efforts.

Using the Select Target button, navigate to a specific site in the web map. When you arrive at your restoration location, click to add a point. This will set your location. Alternatively, you can type or copy in the Latitude and Longitude or address of the site in the “Find address or place” search window. Click on View Report.

Variable Description min max mean stdev Source
Elevation  Elevation in centimeters (originally in meters)  -110.95  1,915.68  226.6  222.26  USGS NED 
Slope  The inclination of slope in degrees.  77.49  4.8  6.12  USGS NED 
Slope curvature  The curvature of a cell as fitted through that cell and its neighbors.  -89.81  51.44  1.75  0.35  USGS NED 
Profile curvature  The curvature of a cell in the direction of the maximum slope. Affects the acceleration and deceleration of flow and, therefore, influences erosion and deposition  -29.24  46.02  0.01  0.22  USGS NED 
Plan curvature  The curvature of a cell perpendicular to the direction of the maximum slope. Influences convergence and divergence of flow  -47.19  22.2  0.01  0.2  USGS NED 
Solar radiation summer solstice  Total insolation derived from direct and diffuse, but not reflected, radiation for the summer solstice  235.97  49,006.19  25,061.46  6,312.49  USGS NED 
Solar radiation equinox  Total insolation derived from direct and diffuse, but not reflected, radiation for the equinox  193.58  42,560.51  19,682.00  5,990.69  USGS NED 
Solar radiation winter solstice  Total insolation derived from direct and diffuse, but not reflected, radiation for the winter solstice  161.69  37,711.49  16,111.40  5,652.38  USGS NED 
Roughness 1-cell square  The standard deviation of elevation values within the neighborhood immediately surrounding the center cell.  117.51  2.2  2.81  USGS NED 
Roughness 10-cell circle  The standard deviation of elevation values within a circular neighborhood with a radius of 10 cells.  162.46  9.46  11.51  USGS NED 
Roughness 100-cell circle  The standard deviation of elevation values within a circular neighborhood with a radius of 100 cells.  366.28  30.04  34.08  USGS NED 
Beers aspect  Beers et al. (1966) transformation of slope direction. Original scale is 0 (SW, most exposed) to 2 (NE, most sheltered), with values grading equivalently in both directions between the extremes.  0.99  0.48  USGS NED 
Dist to inland waters  Euclidean distance to nearest stream, river, or other inland waterbody (excluding estuaries)  21,641.00  448.17  1,175.09  National Hydrography Dataset; National Land Cover Database; USGS NED 
Dist to stream  Euclidean distance to nearest stream (features represented by lines only)  41,073.42  755.17  2,288.31  National Hydrography Dataset; National Land Cover Database; USGS NED 
Dist to lake or river  Euclidean distance to nearest river or other inland waterbody (features represented by polygons)  21,721.37  1,021.65  1,343.37  National Hydrography Dataset; National Land Cover Database; USGS NED 
Dist to coastal waters  Euclidean distance to nearest estuary or sea/ocean. 502,430.59  144,187.83  119,376.10  National Hydrography Dataset; National Land Cover Database; USGS NED 
Dist to ocean  Euclidean distance to nearest sea/ocean  552,771.13  189,327.82  139,299.30  National Hydrography Dataset; National Land Cover Database; USGS NED 
Dist to estuary  Euclidean distance to nearest estuary  502,430.59  144,430.69  119,114.76  National Hydrography Dataset; National Land Cover Database; USGS NED 
Flowpath dist to water or wetland  The downslope distance along the flow path to a water or wetland feature.  EPA/USGS NHD Plus v. 2; NHDH 
Slope length  The longest upslope distance along the flow path to the top of the drainage divide, plus the downslope distance along the flow path to a water or wetland feature.  EPA/USGS NHD Plus v. 2; NHDH 
Topographic moisture  Flow accumulation is used as a proxy for topographic moisture. For each cell, this is determined by summing the weights of all cells flowing into it. This does not account for flow differences over different soil types.  EPA/USGS NHD Plus v. 2; NHDH 
Canopy 1-cell mean  mean percent canopy cover in 1-cell radius (30 meter cells)  100  54.61206  36.6471397  nlcd_2011_canopy_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Canopy 10-cell mean  mean percent canopy cover in 10-cell radius (30 meter cells)  100  54.57176  30.1648745  nlcd_2011_canopy_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Canopy 100-cell mean  mean percent canopy cover in 100-cell radius (30 meter cells)  100  54.18427  23.2046566  nlcd_2011_canopy_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Impervious surface 1-cell mean  mean percent impervious cover in 1-cell radius (30 meter cells)  100  2.40371  9.59022099  nlcd_2011_impervious_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Impervious surface 10-cell mean  mean percent impervious cover in 10-cell radius (30 meter cells)  100  2.40081  7.82356475  nlcd_2011_impervious_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Impervious surface 100-cell mean  mean percent impervious cover in 100-cell radius (30 meter cells)  100  2.37529  5.83642793  nlcd_2011_impervious_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Forest cover 1-cell mean  mean forest cover within 1-cell radius  0.4716  0.44439455  nlcd_2011_landcover_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Forest cover 10-cell mean  mean forest cover within 10-cell radius  0.47128  0.35679959  nlcd_2011_landcover_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Forest cover 100-cell mean  mean forest cover within 100 cell radius  0.46825  0.28358335  nlcd_2011_landcover_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Open cover 1-cell mean  mean open cover within 1-cell radius  0.1915  0.34585922  nlcd_2011_landcover_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Open cover 10-cell mean  mean open cover within 10-cell radius  0.19131  0.26085441  nlcd_2011_landcover_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Open cover 100-cell mean  mean open cover within 100 cell radius  0.18952  0.17833686  nlcd_2011_landcover_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Shrub cover 1-cell mean  mean shrub cover within 1-cell radius  0.0444  0.16184661  nlcd_2011_landcover_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Shrub cover 10-cell mean  mean shrub cover within 10-cell radius  0.04436  0.10195784  nlcd_2011_landcover_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Shrub cover 100-cell mean  mean shrub cover within 100 cell radius  0.04409  5.86E-02  nlcd_2011_landcover_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Water cover 1-cell mean  mean open water cover within 1-cell radius  0.08698  0.27548733  nlcd_2011_landcover_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Water cover 10-cell mean  mean open water cover within 10-cell radius  0.08773  0.26299457  nlcd_2011_landcover_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Water cover 100-cell mean  mean open water cover within 100 cell radius  0.09488  0.24713625  nlcd_2011_landcover_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Wetland cover 1-cell mean  mean wetland cover within 1-cell radius  0.10722  0.27614784  nlcd_2011_landcover_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Wetland cover 10-cell mean  mean wetland cover within 10-cell radius  0.10711  0.21481175  nlcd_2011_landcover_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Wetland cover 100-cell mean  mean wetland cover within 100 cell radius  0.10602  0.15670216  nlcd_2011_landcover_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Dist to woody wetland  Distance to forested palustrine wetland  45452.8594  1472.17221  3061.98508  National Wetland Inventory 
Dist to fresh marsh  Distance to freshwater emergent wetland  47314.832  1894.8842  2881.27178  National Wetland Inventory 
Dist to salt marsh  Distance to saltwater emergent wetland  517641.594  156727.356  123736.52  National Wetland Inventory 
Growing degree days  Growing degree days  450  5928  31136.119  1214.31  PRISM_tmax_30yr_normal_800mM2, PRISM_tmin_30yr_normal_800mM2 
Dist to sand  Euclidean distance to sand  soilgeo_comb - dataset from TNC 
Dist to loam  Euclidean distance to loam  soilgeo_comb - dataset from TNC 
Dist to silt/clay  Euclidean distance to silt/clay  soilgeo_comb - dataset from TNC 
Dist to CP sand, limestone  Euclidean distance to coastal plain sand over limestone  soilgeo_comb - dataset from TNC 
Dist to CP loam, limestone  Euclidean distance to coastal plain loam over limestone  soilgeo_comb - dataset from TNC 
Dist to CP silt/clay, limestone  Euclidean distance to coastal plain silt and clay over limestone  soilgeo_comb - dataset from TNC 
Dist to acidic sedimentary rock  Euclidean distance to acidic sedimentary bedrock  soilgeo_comb - dataset from TNC 
Dist to acidic shale  Euclidean distance to acidic shale bedrock  soilgeo_comb - dataset from TNC 
Dist to calc rock  Euclidean distance to calcareous bedrock  soilgeo_comb - dataset from TNC 
Dist to moderately calc rock  Euclidean distance to moderately calcareous bedrock  soilgeo_comb - dataset from TNC 
Dist to acidic granitic rock  Euclidean distance to acidic granitic bedrock  soilgeo_comb - dataset from TNC 
Dist to mafic rock  Euclidean distance to mafic bedrock  soilgeo_comb - dataset from TNC 
Dist to ultramafic rock  Euclidean distance to ultramafic bedrock  soilgeo_comb - dataset from TNC 
July precip  July precipitation  6,472.00  23,585.00  14,726.41  4,726.77  PRISM Climate Data monthly 30yr normal 800m tmin, tmax, ppt 
June precip  June precipiation  6,747.00  22,378.00  13,729.80  3,840.05  PRISM Climate Data monthly 30yr normal 800m tmin, tmax, ppt 
May precip  May precipitation  5,112.00  19,775.00  11,249.89  3,369.21  PRISM Climate Data monthly 30yr normal 800m tmin, tmax, ppt 
Normalized dispersion of precip  normalized dispersion (CV) of precipitation  479  5,218.00  2,873.17  1,348.62  PRISM Climate Data monthly 30yr normal 800m tmin, tmax, ppt 
Precip of coldest quarter  precipitation of coldest quarter  11,904.00  56,971.00  28,103.27  8,833.19  PRISM Climate Data monthly 30yr normal 800m tmin, tmax, ppt 
Precip of driest month  precipitation of driest month  3,291.00  15,800.00  8,086.63  2,748.41  PRISM Climate Data monthly 30yr normal 800m tmin, tmax, ppt 
Precip of driest quarter  precipitation of driest quarter  11,780.00  49,859.00  25,316.62  7,412.47  PRISM Climate Data monthly 30yr normal 800m tmin, tmax, ppt 
Precip of warmest quarter  precipitation of warmest quarter  21,343.00  69,496.00  41,983.15  11,896.15  PRISM Climate Data monthly 30yr normal 800m tmin, tmax, ppt 
Precip of wettest month  precipitation of wettest month  7,947.00  25,852.00  15,879.53  4,634.72  PRISM Climate Data monthly 30yr normal 800m tmin, tmax, ppt 
Precip of wettest quarter  precipitation of wettest quarter  22,786.00  69,496.00  42,729.80  11,597.54  PRISM Climate Data monthly 30yr normal 800m tmin, tmax, ppt 
Total annual precip  total annual precipitation  77,842.00  243,005.00  122,238.78  23,827.37  PRISM Climate Data monthly 30yr normal 800m tmin, tmax, ppt 
Annual mean temp  annual mean temperature  -199  2,114.00  1,039.05  623.21  PRISM Climate Data monthly 30yr normal 800m tmin, tmax, ppt 
Isothermality  comparison of day-to-night and summer-to-winter temperature oscillations  1,656.00  4,825.00  3,311.70  874.35  PRISM Climate Data monthly 30yr normal 800m tmin, tmax, ppt 
Max temp of warmest month  maximum temperature of warmest month  1,262.00  3,434.00  2,590.88  495.15  PRISM Climate Data monthly 30yr normal 800m tmin, tmax, ppt 
Mean diurnal range  (mean of monthly (max temp - min temp))  456  1,525.00  975.61  299.94  PRISM Climate Data monthly 30yr normal 800m tmin, tmax, ppt 
Mean temp of coldest quarter  mean temperature of coldest quarter  -1,356.00  1,405.00  48.84  782.89  PRISM Climate Data monthly 30yr normal 800m tmin, tmax, ppt 
Mean temp of driest quarter  mean temperature of driest quarter  -1,305.00  2,407.00  591.24  1,042.84  PRISM Climate Data monthly 30yr normal 800m tmin, tmax, ppt 
Mean temp of warmest quarter  mean temperature of warmest quarter  935  2,793.00  1,963.81  483.29  PRISM Climate Data monthly 30yr normal 800m tmin, tmax, ppt 
Mean temp of wettest quarter  mean temperature of wettest quarter  -532  2,784.00  1,204.16  913.4  PRISM Climate Data monthly 30yr normal 800m tmin, tmax, ppt 
Min temp of coldest month  minimum temperature of coldest month  -2,120.00  759  -678  829.4  PRISM Climate Data monthly 30yr normal 800m tmin, tmax, ppt 
Temp annual range  (max temp warmest month - min temp coldest month)  2,321.00  4,559.00  3,446.96  640.13  PRISM Climate Data monthly 30yr normal 800m tmin, tmax, ppt 
Temp seasonality  (STD * 100)  54,892.00  115,019.00  84,798.09  17,134.48  PRISM Climate Data monthly 30yr normal 800m tmin, tmax, ppt 
Dist to river  Euclidean distance to nearest stream/river  40281  4946.07  4792.29  National Hydrography Dataset; National Land Cover Database; USGS NED 
Dist to pond  Euclidean distance to nearest lake/pond/resevoir <= 1 ha  36857  1456.25  2231.65  National Hydrography Dataset; National Land Cover Database; USGS NED 
Dist to lake  Euclidean distance to nearest lake/pond/resevoir > 1 ha  26765  2620.03  2672.73  National Hydrography Dataset; National Land Cover Database; USGS NED 
Topographic postion index 1-cell square  Topographic position index using elevation values within the neighborhood immediately surrounding the center cell  -179.278  107.038  6.17  0.94  USGS NED 
Topographic postion index 10-cell radius  Topographic position index using elevation values within a circular neighborhood with a radius of 10 cells.  -234.269  147.295  8.21  USGS NED 
Topographic postion index 100-cell radius  Topographic position index using elevation values within a circular neighborhood with a radius of 100 cells.  -483.229  573.409  0.01  36.25  USGS NED 
Deciduous forest cover 1-cell mean  mean deciduous forest cover within 1-cell radius  100  32.15  39.93  nlcd_2011_landcover_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Deciduous forest cover 10-cell mean  mean deciduous forest cover within 10-cell radius  100  32.14  32.59  nlcd_2011_landcover_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Deciduous forest cover 100-cell mean  mean deciduous forest cover within 100-cell radius  100  32.14  26.7  nlcd_2011_landcover_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Evergreen forest cover 1-cell mean  mean evergreen forest cover within 1-cell radius  100  15.5  28.9  nlcd_2011_landcover_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Evergreen forest cover 10-cell mean  mean evergreen forest cover within 10-cell radius  100  15.5  21.04  nlcd_2011_landcover_2011_edition_2014_10_10 
Evergreen forest cover 100-cell mean  mean evergreen forest cover within 100-cell radius  98.3  15.5  14.46  nlcd_2011_landcover_2011_edition_2014_10_10 

Clicking the View Report link produces a list of communities likely to occur at the site based on the similarity to quantitative plot data collected by PNHP and assigned to specific plant communities based on species composition, community structure, and environmental variables. If you’re interested in wetland communities or upland communities only, you have the option to limit the results wetlands or uplands by hitting the “View Wetland Targets” or “View Upland Targets”. trial (upland) types as well. You can also see a list of wetland and upland types together by selecting the “View Full List” button.

By selecting the edit button, you can see the values for the 90 environmental variables at your site. You may override the auto-generated values if you have field data that is more precise. Select “Find Wetland Targets” or “Find Upland Targets” to regenerate the list of communities.

Note: after entering site specific data, you will need to select “Find Wetland Targets” or “Find Upland Targets” to regenerate the list of communities.

Step 2: Select the Target Plant Community Targets

The Pennsylvania Community Prediction Tool for Site Restoration will generate a list of upland (terrestrial) or wetland (Palustrine) plant communities that are similar to your site.

Natural plant communities that occur on sites similar to your restoration site are listed in order of their similarity to your site. The results do not include all Pennsylvania Communities. Only communities that are represented by at least 3 plots are included in the PCPT. For example, while PNHP recognizes a community called the Many-Fruited Sedge – Bladderwort Poor Fen, it is known from only one location in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania, and is therefore not represented in the PCPT. Additionally, only plant communities composed of native plant species are included as non-native communities should never be used as targets for restoration plantings.

Step 3: Creating your species list

Once you determine the plant community or communities you want to target in your restoration effort, click the Community to produce the list of plant species occurring in the type. We suggest that you select communities that have at least a 75% similarity in ecological variables to your site. This can be saved as a spreadsheet and/or printed as a csv.

The planting list includes a link to the PNHP fact sheet of the particular natural community that is similar to your restoration site. From there you will find links to the most closely related NatureServe association and ecological system in which the community occurs.

The output includes the following information on each species:

1. Scientific Name: Scientific name in use by PNHP, which generally follows the standards of the Plants of Pennsylvania 2nd Edition (Rhoads and Block 2007).

2. Common Name: The name listed here is the one used by PNHP, but many other common names may be in use and perfectly acceptable.

3. Cover: Cover represents the percent of a plot occupied by the species, when present in the plot(s). We recommend selecting species that are found with a >10% cover.

4. Constancy: Constancy is defined as the number of community plots containing the species divided by the total number of plots used to characterize the community. We recommend selecting species that are found at a >25% constancy.

5. FQI: Floristic Quality Index rating: This rating is based on faithfulness to a natural plant community, and tolerance of and/or dependence on disturbance (particularly human disturbance). The “sweet spot” where your plantings are likely to have the best impact is for plants with FQI values ranging from 4 – 8

The PA Floristic Quality Index assigned values to species based on the following criteria:

  • 0: Exotic or introduced plants.
  • 1-2: Native plants with a wide range of ecological tolerances and adapted to severe habitat degradation. These weedy species thrive under conditions of anthropogenic disturbance.
  • 3-4: Native plants associated with more stable though degraded habitat, but which may be found in a variety of habitats. They are generally widespread and not an indicator of a particular community type.
  • 5-6: Native plants with an intermediate range of ecological tolerances and often associated with a specific natural vegetation community. They include many common dominant species, and can persist under moderate degradation.
  • 7-8: Native plants with a narrow range of ecological tolerances, often associated with advanced successional stage, and typically associated with stable natural vegetation communities and natural areas. They can persist where habitat has been slightly degraded.
  • 9-10: Native plants with a very high degree of fidelity to a narrow range of pristine habitats, and highly sensitive to anthropogenic disturbance. They are generally restricted to high-quality natural areas.

6. Wetland Code: The wetland tolerance of species should be considered in restoration, especially in wetlands. The National Wetland Inventory (NWI) codes assigned for species in Pennsylvania are

  • OBL: Obligate Wetland. Occur almost always (estimated probability >99%) under natural conditions in wetlands.
  • FACW: Facultative Wetland. Usually occur in wetlands (estimated probability 67%-99%), but occasionally found in non-wetlands.
  • FAC: Facultative. Equally likely to occur in wetlands or non-wetlands (estimated probability 34%-66%).
  • FACU: Facultative Upland. Usually occur in non-wetlands (estimated probability 67%-99%), but occasionally found in wetlands (estimated probability 1%-33%).

7. SRank: State Conservation Status Rank. Your restoration site may provide habitat for rare species or may support a rare plant community. We do not recommend planting rare species without careful consideration and coordination with state and federal agencies. The conservation status is provided to help land managers better appreciate the potential habitat value of the site being restored. Rare plant communities are often composed of one or more rare plant species. The state ranks follow NatureServe and are as follows:

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the Pennsylvania Game Commission, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission,
and the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy.
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